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Magic Ligtoring liefde...

Ek het vir Rynard (AKA: Ligtoring Landman) en Retha-Mari vroeg oggend ontmoet by Majik Forest in Kenridge vir hul engagement foto sessie. Dit was so lekker gewees om vroeg in die natuur te wees en foto's te neem van 'n verliefde paartjie.  Baie dankie dat julle so great was en so avontuurlustig was, ek sien baie uit na jul troue in Desember.




  1. Is that place chosen by the you or by the couple ? It is really wonderful , so natural, the combination of love and the the green nature is highly delightful , thanks Charl for posting such beautiful pictures .

    1. Thank you for the comment. The couple wanted to take photos in a "forest", so I had a few location visits and decided that this location will work best.

  2. Wow, dit is so pragtig, mag net goedheid en guns julle tweetjies volg, al die dae van julle lewe..

  3. Die shoot was great fun, dankie vir die stunning foto's Charl!

    Ons kan nie wag vir Desember nie!!

    Retha en Rynard

  4. Pragige 2 mense net soos hulle lyk so is hulle van binne. Pragtige foto's kan nie wag vir die troue.

    Zettie en Ouma


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