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Crash Boom Bang Love

Shooting at the Wijnland Car Museum is always great, BUT, having a beautiful sexy couple just make it a whole different ball game.  It was so great to capture Ryno and Annemien during their engagement shoot, they are really a stunning couple, and I have to say, great people.  I am really looking forward to shoot their wedding next year at Forest 44.   



  1. STUNNING!! Baie dankie Charl! Die fotos is pragtig, dit het ons grootste verwagtinge oortref! Annemien & Ryno

    1. Julle foto's is AMAZING! Super stunning!! :) En die heel beste is, julle as mense, is NOG meer stunning! Esmari xxx

  2. WOW WOW WOW is al wat ek kan uitkry! Dis ongelooflike mooi foto's julle!! Charl jy het 'n ongelooflike talent! Dit help natuurlik dat Ryno & Mienkie (Annemien) albei super sexy is!! Ag-jitte, ek is SO lief vir julle - mag julle toekoms saam so blink en pragtig wees soos hierdie foto's! Baie liefde, Esmari xxx


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