Josia and Nadine got married in the beautiful cellar at Groenrivier Function Centre in Riebeek Wes. It was a cold and rainy day but we were blessed with some sun shine during the couple photo session. Photographing weddings during the winter months is really a big challenge and one try to prepare to the best of your abilities, but at the end you as a photographer can only work with what the venue offer and have to rely on your experience to create something beautiful for your clients. I am really pleased with the results and just want to thank Josia and Nadine for trusting me to capture your beautiful day. Hope you enjoy the images :)
Message from bridal couple:
ReplyDeleteHi Charl
Hoop dit gaan baie goed daar. Ons het vanoggend op Schippol lughawe die eerste foto op Facebook gesien en moes toe net daarna terugvlieg Kaapstad toe. Het vanaand geland en kon nie wag om die fotos op jou website te gaan kyk nie.
Die fotos is regtig ongelooflik mooi!! Ons is baie beindruk en dit is presies wat ons wou gehad het. Dankie dat jy beheer geneem het in die moeilike weersomstandighede en ook verder leiding gegee het.
Vriendelike groete,
Josia en Nadine